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The Window Reunion

The Window Reunion

The reunion issue after brief hiatus of a zine that offers a glimpse into our thoughts and feelings around the COVID-19 pandemic through art, poetry, essays, and other creative means. This issue includes poetry, writing, and art on the themes of reunion and connection, grief and memory, and letting go to move onward. 

I wanted to create a digital space where all different voices could come together and express their feelings around this unprecedented time in a variety of ways so that we can connect with one another through art. I will be creating subsequent issues as we navigate through this time so if you have something you want to contribute please reach out to on Instagram or by emailing wayward.weeds [at]

I will be donating the proceeds from the sale of the zine to local charities in the spirit of community building and the power of the creative arts. 


This issue's contributors are: Brianne Burnell, Ricky Church, Amanda Davidson, Enrico De Dominicis, Florence De Dominicis, Carl Joesf Homolka,  Laura Mizzi, Oberon, Briana Vachal and Daniel R Wilson.

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